April 15, 2010

Into my wild.

I have 25 minutes before class begins and I just feel like writing. I also want to keep a blog post somewhat 'blog-like' and keep it simple and concise. So, this will be that post. I have 15 full days left on island and from there I will be heading to California and Oregon to visit friends for a few weeks, then-back to the East Coast to be with my family at my brothers medical school graduation.  I was watching Into The Wild last night and got a new idea after hearing Christopher 'Alexander Supertramp' McCandless say new experiences are the source to a man's existence in life.

And that idea was not knowing how I'm going to get from San Francisco up to Portland? What if I hitched up? What if I got a bike and rode up!? What if I walked up? What new experiences would this bring about? I remember when I used to travel in my pickup truck in 2004. Sleeping in the back of the cab most nights and just being on the road provided a new sense of courage and adventure that I will always have with me, why not revisit this?  Here are a few photos from that trip when I was hiking the Appalachian Trail, hitchhiking near Asheville and camping on the beach in South Carolina.  To the memories of adventure, and to the ones we haven't experienced yet.

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